#FlashbackFriday with the Historical Society: National Guard Deployment 1951

It’s time once again for #FlashbackFriday with the Whitewater Historical Society. Happy Veterans’ Day and thanks to all the men and women who have served in the armed forces. This week’s image is from July of 1951 as Whitewater’s National Guard unit was packing up to leave Camp Ripley in Minnesota after a two-week training deployment.

The late Russ Fero of Whitewater was a member of the National Guard and donated a number of photos of National Guard summer camp activities, including this view. According to a report on the Camp Ripley deployment, the Whitewater guardsmen were named the best group in their regiment (the 127th) and the 127th regiment was named the best group of the camp. Quite an honor for Whitewater men!

Join us next week for more from the Whitewater Historical Society.
(1839P, Whitewater Historical Society)
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