Updated Feb. 10 @ 10 p.m.: Per historian Carol Cartwright:”The mill was located next to the old Baker’s garage.” (Jefferson & Main)
It’s time once again for #FlashbackFriday with the Whitewater Historical Society.
The second in our series “Gone but not Forgotten,” is the old stone mill. This image, taken in January of 1970, shows the demolition of the frame portion of the mill, also the oldest portion, built in 1839 and the first industry in Whitewater. In 1860, the large stone addition was completed and the mill operated well into the 20th century.
It was two more years (November of 1972) before the rest of the building was demolished, after the owner could not find a way to renovate and reuse the building.
Join us next week for more “Gone but not Forgotten” images.
(2595P, Whitewater Historical Society)