#FlashbackFriday with the Historical Society: Four dapper gentlemen downtown in 1914

It’s time once again for #FlashbackFriday with the Whitewater Historical Society.

This image of four dapper gentlemen in downtown Whitewater has no identification, but we know it is from 1914. How? Behind the gentlemen you can see that the corner building has been demolished. In 1914, the old building on this site was replaced with the new Commercial Bank Building. Most of the buildings in downtown Whitewater existed by 1900, so dating early twentieth century images can be difficult. But if the Commercial Bank or the older building on the site is shown, we can tell if the photo predates or postdates 1914. In this case, we know it was 1914 because the construction was taking place. Note in the background the Walworth Hotel, now the Landmark Building. It was built in 1890.

Join us next week for more from the Whitewater Historical Society.

(2210PC, Whitewater Historical Society)

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