First COVID-19 Case Confirmed in Walworth County

3/18/20 – Walworth County Division of Public Health announced today that there is now one confirmed case in Walworth County.  This individual recently traveled domestically and at the recommendation of Walworth County Division of Public Health, voluntarily self-isolated upon returning to the community.  Out of respect for the patient’s privacy, no additional information will be provided.

“We are in daily contact with this individual to monitor their symptoms and ensure they are receiving support to be able to isolate at home,” said Erica Bergstom, Public Heatlh Officer.  

At this time Walworth County is not included in the list of identified locations with community transmission. 

Walworth County Division of Public Health is keeping track of this outbreak. We are working with our local, state, and federal partners to deal quickly and effectively when people have symptoms of COVID-19 or have been around people that have been infected with the coronavirus.  Walworth County Division of Public Health will directly notify close contacts of any identified cases.

This is a rapidly evolving situation. For the latest information, visit the CDC’s website or the DHS website. For current updates for Walworth County click here.

NOTE FROM THE BANNER: Please be diligent in handwashing and social distancing. We’re all encouraged to remain at home as much as possible, and when it’s essential to go out, maintain at least 6 feet from other people. There is particular concern about younger people, who may develop such a mild infection that they’re not even aware that they’re ill, but can still spread the virus to others — particularly to seniors and others with compromised immunity, for whom this virus can be fatal.

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