David Stone Resigns from Common Council

By Lynn Binnie
Whitewater Banner volunteer staff

City Manager John Weidl announced on January 2 that in a letter to the city clerk dated December 27, David Stone resigned immediately from the Common Council, due to an “emergency situation.” Stone has represented District 1 since last April. Per a Common Council policy that was adopted in 2012, at its next meeting on January 16 the council is expected to ask the city clerk to advertise for applicants for the vacant position, while setting a deadline for such applications to be received. The council would then interview the applicants in an open meeting, and may decide to appoint a new council member by a vote of the members. Per state statute 17.23(1)(am), such a member could serve until the term expires in April, 2025, or until a special election is held. It might be expected that if such an election was called, it would likely be scheduled coinciding with the fall primary or general election, with the term still ending in April, 2025.

With the passing in December of Jim Allen, the Common Council now has two vacancies in its seven seats. The members are expected to consider advertising for applicants to fill Allen’s at large seat at the January 16 meeting. If appointed, such an individual would only serve until April 16, since that seat’s term expires on that date. For the present, if more than one member of the council is absent at a meeting, the lack of a quorum will prevent any action from taking place.

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