The Fort Atkinson-Eli Pierce Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) has recognized six area high school
seniors who exemplify the qualities of good citizenship. The 126-year-old organization held its annual Good Citizen Reception for the students and their guests on Thursday, March 6, at the Dwight Foster Public Library in Fort Atkinson. Named “Good Citizens” were Carley Boudreau, Whitewater High School; Korynne Kutz, Fort Atkinson High School; Haley Woessner, Palmyra-Eagle High School; Mallorri Buonincontro, Cambridge High School; Piper Crabtree, Jefferson High School; and Leola Becker, Lake Mills High School.
“NSDAR (The National Society DAR) began recognizing Good Citizens in 1934; perhaps a great-great-great-grandparent of yours was so honored,” chapter Regent Nancy Olson said in welcoming attendees. “The first school our chapter honored was Fort Atkinson. Our chapter now recognizes seven schools with over 90 students being selected.”
She noted that no scholarships were awarded in those early days. Today, one is given to the chapter’s essay winner. “More important, I think, are the qualities of dependability, service and patriotism, values that stay with you the rest of your lives,” Olson said. DAR member Mary Narkis led the Pledge of Allegiance and Chaplain Valerie Cole offered the blessing. After introducing
herself and her guests, each student was presented a certificate of recognition by DAR Secretary Vicki Schicker and Historian Penny White.

Carley Boudreau
Carley Boudreau was the winner in the DAR chapter’s 2024 essay contest and received a monetary gift. She read her essay, titled “Our American Heritage and Our Responsibility for Preserving It.” In it, Boudreau noted that everyone is given a different
starting point in life, but service to others is important as he or she climbs the rungs. Whether large or small, each person’s American dream builds a ladder toward success. “Taking a step down from my ladder has and will never be a waste,” she said. “This is because getting others to the top of their ladders, no matter how big or small, is another step up on my own. “Alone, we are strong, but as a community together, the impact can only grow as this strength multiplies,” Boudreau noted.
As president of Whitewater High School’s National Honor Society, Boudreau said, she has seen firsthand the effects a community can have on its citizens. “Together, we’ve impacted our community in ways I could not do alone. Our goals, the peak of our ladder, is found in helping others up their own. This is something I feel so fortunate to be a part of … not just a community, but a community committed to serving others,” she said. The senior said that community service is part of Americans’ identity. “You help the people, helping the community, strengthening our American identity. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness should be attainable for all and absolutely are with the help of a community,” she concluded.
In addition to National Honor Society, Boudreau is president of Model United Nations and active in Forensics, Spanish Honor Society, Student Council and Lead Dogs. She is varsity captain of the girls’ soccer team and has participated in cross-country.
After graduation, she plans to study international relations at either the American University in Washington D.C. or University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Korynne Kutz
Korynne Kutz is class president on the Student Senate and vice president of National Honor Society at Fort Atkinson High School.
Also this year, she has been involved in Latinx Club, Debate, Brothers and Sisters in Christ (BASIC), Students Tutor Students and Link Crew. Kutz was captain of the varsity girls’ soccer team, participated in track and field and served as boys’ soccer team manager last year.
This fall, she plans to attend UW-Madison to major in finance investments and banking.
Haley Woessner
At Palmyra-Eagle High School, Haley Woessner has been active in Student Council, Varsity Dance Team, National Honor Society, Band, Math Meet and Hope Squad, serving in many leadership positions. She has been manager of the cross-country team, has
assisted teaching dance classes, was a delegate to Badger Girls State, was captain of the Varsity Cross-Country Team and served on Prom Committee.
After graduation, Woessner plans to attend Northern Michigan University to study theater entertainment arts and elementary education.
Mallorri Buonincontro
At Cambridge High School, Mallorri Buonincontro is senior class officer and she served as class secretary in grades 9-11. President of the National Honor Society, she is active in Eco Club, Flight Crew, the school musical and Solo and Ensemble. She also has served on the Homecoming and prom courts. In addition, Buonincontro has participated in track and field throughout high school, gymnastics the past three years, basketball as a freshman and volleyball as an underclassman.
In the fall, she plans to attend Wheaton College in Illinois to study Christian Formation and Ministry and then Biblical and
Theological Studies.
Piper Crabtree
During her senior year at Jefferson High School, Piper Crabtree has been involved in National Honor Society, Eagle Crew, Drama Club, Forensics, Student Council, Rotary Interact, Hope Squad and J-Club. She also is serving as Art Club secretary and secretary of Tri-M (Modern Music Masters). Crabtree is senior representative on the Band Council and also has participated in Jazz 1, Steel
Drum, One-Act Plays, musicals, Drama Club, Forensics, AFS, FBLA/DECA, track and field and tennis.
This fall, she plans to study elementary education at either St. Norbert College or UW- Whitewater.
Leola Becker
While at Lake Mills High School, Leola Becker has been active in Spanish Club, Drama Club, Lariat, Link Crew, yearbook, the fall musical, choir, Jazz Band and Tri-M Music Honor Society. She has been president of Show Choir and representative-at-large on Student Council, as well as has participated in Solo & Ensemble all four years of high school. In addition, Becker has served on the Homecoming Court and as prom queen, and was manager of the boys’ basketball team.
After graduation, she plans to attend Carroll University to double-major in music therapy and psychology. Crabtree and Becker were unable to attend the DAR reception.

About the award, DAR Created in 1934, the Good Citizen award recognizes and rewards individuals who possess the qualities of
dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism in their homes, schools and communities. The students are selected by their teachers and peers because they demonstrate these qualities to an outstanding degree. Once a student is chosen as the DAR Good Citizen, he or she is invited to participate in the scholarship portion of the program. This consists of a personal statement and an
essay; participation is optional.
Organized in 1899, the Fort Atkinson Chapter of DAR was one of the earliest and largest chapters in Wisconsin for many years. In 1992, it merged with the Eli Pierce Chapter, which was founded in Whitewater in 1941. Today, chapter members reside in Fort Atkinson, Watertown, Lake Mills, Jefferson, Whitewater, Milton, Janesville and surrounding communities, as well as in several other states.