Council & School Board Reach Agreement on New WAFC Contract

By Lynn Binnie
Whitewater Banner volunteer staff

After nearly six months of discussion and sometimes tense negotiation, the City of Whitewater Common Council (“Council”) and the Whitewater Unified School District School Board (“Board”) have agreed on the terms for a new six year agreement to operate the Whitewater Aquatic and Fitness Center. At the conclusion of the most recent joint meeting of the two bodies on August 21 the Council voted unanimously to approve the terms that had been nailed out in that evening’s discussion. The Board’s agenda, however, did not call for action, choosing instead to discuss the matter in closed session at their regular meeting on August 28. Later in open session the Board voted unanimously to approve the same terms that the Council had approved a week previously.

The agreement, which will be effective on January 1, 2024, provides for the following:

The city will pay $258,000 towards operating expenses in 2024, and will be responsible for any shortfalls. This payment will escalate by 3% per year.

WUSD will contribute a fixed $178,000 towards operating expenses in 2024, with future annual payments increasing by 3%.

Both the city and the district will pay a $100,000 annual capital expense contribution. This payment will remain unchanged for the first three years, after which a determination will be made as to whether it needs to be increased.

An advisory board which is anticipated to include a representative from both bodies plus three community members with relevant experience will provide oversight of WAFC. Previously this has been the responsibility of the city Parks & Recreation Board.

The Council and Board will meet again in joint session on September 11 at 7 p.m. at the Municipal Building to discuss various remaining issues, including the disposition of the estimated nearly $222,000 in deficits that the city estimates that the district will owe for the period from July, 2021 through the end of 2023.

A proposed written agreement will be drafted by legal counsel, possibly necessitating one more meeting before it is ready to be signed.

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