Congregational United Church of Christ Selling Its Building; Ministry to Continue

Photo by Lynn Binnie

By Lynn Binnie
Whitewater Banner volunteer staff

The Congregational United Church of Christ has sold its building with an expected real estate closing date of July 31.  The congregation will continue to use the building at least through the end of 2024, and eventually will be meeting in a yet-to-be-determined space. 

Senior Pastor Dr. David Mc Donald told the Banner, “The Congregational United Church of Christ is looking forward to a new phase in its ministry. Our building has been a remarkable home to us since 1881, and while we have many memories of family, friends, and worship in the space, we are eager to determine our “next” in service to Christ and the community. We have been in Whitewater since 1840–before Wisconsin was made a state, and look forward with hope to our bicentennial celebrations in 2040.”

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