Common Council Meeting Draft Agenda for Tuesday, October 03, 2023 – 6:30 PM

Common Council Meeting
Whitewater Municipal Building Community Room,
312 West Whitewater St., Whitewater, WI 53190
*In Person and Virtual
Tuesday, October 03, 2023 – 6:30 PM

Citizens are welcome (and encouraged) to join our webinar via computer, smart phone, or telephone.  Citizen participation is welcome during topic discussion periods.

When: Oct 3, 2023 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Common Council 

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Or Telephone:   
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Webinar ID: 826 8407 5727
Passcode: 448644






A councilmember can choose to remove an item from the agenda or rearrange its order; however, introducing new items to the agenda is not allowed. Any proposed changes require a motion, a second, and approval from the council to be implemented. the agenda shall be approved at reach meeting even if no changes are being made at that meeting. 


1.            Adjourn to closed session, to reconvene in open session, pursuant to Chapter 19.86 notice of collective bargaining negotiations Item to be discussed: 1) Bargaining Negotiation with Police Union


2.            Discussion and possible action regarding WPPSA contract – HR/Police

Items on the Consent Agenda will be approved together unless any council members requests that an item be removed for individual consideration.

3.            Urban Forestry Commission Minutes from July 24, 2023.

4.            Park and Rec Board Minutes from August 23, 2023

5.            Exemption form for Walworth County tax for library services for 2024 



6.            Social Media Report – City Manager/Kristina Koslosky

7.            Marketing and Communications Plan – City Manager/Kristina Koslosky 

8.            Update on zoning changes for dollar stores and cash businesses – City Attorney 

9.            Housing Summit update – City Manager

10.         Code Enforcement and Zoning Official – HR 

No formal Council action will be taken during this meeting although issues raised may become a part of a future agenda.  Participants are allotted a three minute speaking period. Specific items listed on the agenda may not be discussed at this time; however, citizens are invited to speak to those specific issues at the time the Council discusses that particular item.

To make a comment during this period, or during any agenda item: On a computer or handheld device, locate the controls on your computer to raise your hand. You may need to move your mouse to see these controls. On a traditional telephone, dial *6 to unmute your phone and dial *9 to raise your hand.


First Reading

11.         Ordinance 2071 an ordinance amending chapter 2.08.010-City Clerk

12.         Ordinance 2072 an ordinance creating chapter 2.73 Lake Advisory Committee –City Manager/Park and Rec 

Second Reading

13.         Ordinance 2070 an Ordinance amending Section 19.51.180 Truck Trailer, Mobile Home and Equipment Parking Restrictions – Public Works

14.         Ordinance 2063 Ordinance amending Chapter 11.16.15, adding No Stopping, Standing or Parking on east side of Elizabeth Street at Court Street and Laurel Street. Public works 


15.         Discussion and possible action on Good Governance manual changes –Gerber/City Clerk

16.         Discussion and Possible action regarding agenda policy-City Clerk 

17.         Discussion and possible action regarding policy for exit interviews Gerber/HR

18.         Discussion and possible action regarding Economic Director salary range- HR

19.         Discussion and possible action regarding deferred assessments for Wisconsin Street sanitary sewer and water main –Public Works 

20.         Retaining an outside law firm to advise the common council on employee discipline and termination matters – Allen/Attorney

21.         Councilmember Requests for Future Agenda Items or Committee items. Questions


22.         Updates to the Mobile Home Ordinance – Hicks -October

23.         R0 Zoning Discussion- Neighborhood Services/Public Works – October 17

24.         Window Ordinance – City Clerk/PD – December

25.         First line surveys for staff to complete on management Gerber Q3/Q4 2023

26.         Feedback survey for City Manager to distribute when you attend or present at meetings Gerber Q3/Q4 2023

27.         Compensation survey Gerber Q4 2023

28.         Training for newly elected and appointed officials Dawsey- Smith – April/May 2024

29.         Hiring a temporary, hourly assistant to the city manager – Allen -TBD

30.         Virtual Meeting Policy Allen/HR-TBD


CS-31.  Adjourn to closed session, to reconvene in open session, pursuant to Chapter 19.85(1)(e) “Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session.” Items to be discussed: 1) A1 Packaging development agreement 2) Bargaining Negotiation with Police Union and Chapter 19.85_____ . Walton Assessment review 

Citizens are welcome (and encouraged) to join our webinar via computer, smart phone, or telephone.  Citizen participation is welcome during topic discussion periods. This webinar is for when Common Council comes back from closed session. 

Topic: Common Council – After closed Session

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Or Telephone:

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Webinar ID: 873 2266 8116

Passcode: 109451

Please note that although every effort will be made to provide for virtual participation, unforeseen technical difficulties may prevent this, in which case the meeting may still proceed as long as there is a quorum. Should you wish to make a comment in this situation, you are welcome to call this number: (262) 473-0108.


32.         Discussion and possible action regarding Walton assessment review – Finance 

33.         Discussion and possible action regarding developer agreement for A1 Packaging –Economic Development 


Anyone requiring special arrangements is asked to call the Office of the 
City Manager / City Clerk (262-473-0102) at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.

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