Common Council Authorizes Outside Counsel

Common Council Authorizes Outside Counsel Regarding “Disciplinary and Personnel Matters”

By Lynn Binnie
Whitewater Banner volunteer staff

During the Common Council meeting on October 3, Council President James Allen made a motion to authorize engaging an outside attorney to advise the Council on disciplinary and personnel matters. The motion, as amended to provide for up to $10,000 in expenses, was passed on a 4-3 vote, with Allen, Gerber, Hicks, and Stone voting in favor. This action would pertain specifically to the City Manager, since that position is the only one that reports to the Council. A similar motion had failed to pass in a late summer meeting.

Speaking against the motion, Brienne Brown indicated that she had been advised by officials in other communities that a new manager should be given at least two years to adapt to their position. Not allowing this timeframe, she was told, would make for difficulty in attracting a new manager. Lisa Dawsey Smith stated that she shared those concerns. Citizen Brian Schanen also spoke against the motion, indicating that he had noted recent progress in the city and felt that hiring a third attorney to advise the city would be a waste of resources. In addition to the City Attorney, a labor attorney is also on contract with the city, and Human Resources Manager Sara Marquardt indicated that the Council had not inquired as to whether this attorney might advise the Council.

In making the motion, James Allen stated that the Council had not had opportunity to meet in closed session to evaluate the City Manager. John Weidl stated that the Council had actually had two such sessions in the past sixty days.

Weidl served as interim city manager beginning in August, 2022 upon the resignation of previous manager Cameron Clapper. He was hired as city manager effective November 7, 2022.

Contacted after the adjournment of the Common Council meeting, Allen indicated that he had not yet received notification of Weidl’s announcement regarding the Village of Salem Lakes administrator search. (See separate Banner article.)

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