Common Council Approves Development Agreement for 128 Unit Apartment Complex

The Whitewater Common Council on May 21 approved a development agreement for a multi-family housing development at Moraine View Parkway and Jakes Way. The agreement, proposed by Slate Development, Inc., includes 128 units spread across eight two-story buildings.

“This development is a critical investment in our community’s future,” said City Manager John Weidl. “By addressing our
pressing housing needs head-on, we are not only improving the quality of life for our current residents but also making
Whitewater an attractive place for new families and professionals. This project exemplifies our dedication to sustainable
growth and economic prosperity.” The development is receiving financial support from TID #11 [Tax Increment District], utilizing a pay-as-you-go structure to ensure positive cash flow from day one. This approach minimizes financial risk for the city and taxpayers by requiring the developer to meet specific financial benchmarks before receiving payments. Additionally, safeguards such as a minimum assessed value (MAV) guarantee and Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) ensure that taxpayers are
protected. If the development falls short of the projected value, the developer will make up the difference, maintaining
the financial stability of the project.

Economic Development Director Taylor Zeinert emphasized the importance of this project: “The need for workforce
housing in Whitewater cannot be overstated. Our business community, recent graduates, and current students all
underscore this necessity.” Common Council President Patrick Singer highlighted the next steps: “With the development
agreement now approved by the Common Council, the project will return to the Plan and Architectural Review
Commission (PARC) for a Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan Review.” This development will be discussed at the July PARC
Meeting held on July 8th. Singer further stated, “An increase in the quantity and opportunities for housing is an
identified community need that the City of Whitewater is strongly committed to achieving. With single-family housing
units already in the pipeline, this development will give more residents in our community the opportunity to find
affordable housing.”

The conditional use consideration requires a class 2 notice, requiring two postings a week apart. For the July 8th meeting, public notices will be posted on June 20th and 27th, with the agenda posted in the newspaper on July 4th. Council President Singer concluded, “The Plan and Architectural Review Commission will review site plans and a conditional use permit at its July meeting. These two items will complete the approval of this development. I encourage all residents interested in the outcome to attend the upcoming meeting.”

Editor’s note: The above press release was received from the city manager’s office.

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