Early City Motto "The Banner Inland City of the Midwest"
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Today is Monday, January 6, 2025

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UW-W Holding Virtual Celebration of Graduates on May 16

April 30, 2020

After having asked for input as to how to best recognize the UW-W Class of 2020 without being able to hold the scheduled commencement on Saturday, May 16, Chancellor Dwight C. Watson announced on April 30 that the university has decided to hold a Virtual Celebration of Graduates on the same date at 1 pm. Dr. Watson emphasized that this celebration is not taking the place of a commencement ceremony, which is hoped to be held on a date yet to be announced.

Although the graduates are obviously disappointed not to be able to be recognized in person on the originally scheduled date, social media posts in reaction to the announcement appear to be overwhelmingly positive. Zody Levin posted this comment under the Chancellor’s announcement: “Thank you chancellor for offering both a virtual commencement and planning a later date. As a graduating senior myself, we do not care WHEN commencement is, but IF it happens. I will wait as long as necessary for a proper commencement ceremony.”

The Chancellor’s announcement is shown below:

Celebrating our 150th graduating class


More than 1,600 of you are ready to graduate this May.

You are the 150th graduating class of this great university. You have achieved. You have overcome every challenge put in front of you. You are standing on the threshold, ready to fly. And I couldn’t be more proud of you.

Traditionally, we mark this milestone at commencement. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we all know the ceremonies at the Whitewater and Rock County campuses have been postponed. Those of you set to graduate will graduate regardless, so we want to celebrate your achievements. And so, I am proud to announce that UW-Whitewater will be hosting a Virtual Celebration of Graduates on Saturday, May 16, 2020, at 1 p.m.

At the event, which will occur via Facebook Live on UW-Whitewater’s Facebook page, Interim Provost Greg Cook and myself will share some words, as will our student speakers, Brian Martinez and Alex Ostermann. After we mark the conferring of degrees, we have a special musical surprise to share with you. And we will also share our Warhawks Rising social media campaign, where we will see photos of our newly minted graduates and read about the achievements they are most proud of. Graduating students from the Whitewater and Rock County campuses will be contacted via their university email for instructions on how to participate in Warhawks Rising.

This celebration is not meant to take the place of our traditional commencement ceremonies. We know that many of you and your friends and family members prefer to hold in-person ceremony at some later date, and that is what we hope to do. Because of the ongoing nature of the pandemic and the Safer-at-Home orders, however, we do not yet know when such a ceremony will be feasible. Simply put, we do not want to select a date at this point, only to have to postpone it again for reasons beyond our control. We are looking at potential dates, including Homecoming Week, and will be sure to let you know when we have a firm.

These unprecedented times have changed how we live our lives and forego the traditions we normally experience. Although we cannot be together physically at this time, we can still come together and celebrate the success and achievements of our graduating students. Please join us on Saturday, May 16 at 1 p.m. for this virtual celebration of our class of 2020.

Go Warhawks!

Dr. Dwight C. Watson

Dr. Caroline Pate-Hefty Chosen to be WUSD District Administrator

April 27, 2020
Dr. Caroline Pate-Hefty

The Whitewater Unified School District School Board has selected Dr. Caroline Pate-Hefty to be the District administrator, effective July 1, 2020. This announcement is the culmination of a four-month process that began with soliciting the community’s feedback about the needs and priorities of the school district and the qualifications and
characteristics stakeholders wanted in their next leader.

From a field of approximately forty applicants, a slate of 10 potential candidates emerged as best matches to the search criteria. The Board selected five semi-finalists to interview and after two final interviews, Dr. Pate-Hefty emerged as the perfect fit for the students, staff, schools, and community of WUSD. School Board President Casey
Judd said, “Dr. Pate-Hefty’s focus on all students and obvious passion make her an excellent fit for the Whitewater Unified School District. The Board unanimously approved her, and we are confident that her leadership will serve our school and community exceptionally well.”

Dr. Pate-Hefty is a leader in supporting diverse school districts with a focus on equity and inclusion. She currently serves as the Executive Director of Student Services in Maywood, Melrose Park and Broadview Public Schools in Cook County Illinois, for over eight years. In Maywood, Dr. Pate-Hefty spearheaded legislation that allowed 125 students to return to their nine home school environments saving her district millions of dollars annually.

Dr. Pate-Hefty brings extensive experience in supporting campus security, Special Education, discipline, climate/culture and district-wide social and emotional learning models. She has been a selected presenter for Empowerment and Advocacy for Students with Challenging Behavior Conference, Illinois Association of Latino
Administrators and the Healthy Schools Campaign.

Dr. Pate-Hefty holds a Doctor of Education degree from National Louis University (2017), a Master of Arts degree from Concordia University (2007) and a Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Wisconsin Whitewater, UWW (2002). She is thrilled to be selected as WUSD’s District Administrator saying, “I am honored and proud to have been selected to serve as the District Administrator for Whitewater Unified School District and to support their mission to inspire and empower students to achieve excellence in a safe, innovative educational environment. Every student, every day, in a unified way.”

The School Board thanks the WUSD district and community members for their support and input throughout the process. We are especially thankful for participation in digital sessions during these unprecedented times. Additionally, the School Board thanks Dr. Jim Shaw for his unwavering professional and exceptional service as interim district administrator.

WUSD will soon be announcing an opportunity for the community to meet and welcome Dr. Pate-Hefty to Whitewater.

Spring Marches On

April 26, 2020

In a seemingly topsy turvy world the sights of city crews continuing their efforts is oddly comforting. Thank you to Tom Ganser for capturing these images, and thank you to every member of the city’s streets crews diligently continuing their work throughout the city.

Ketterhagen Motor Sales Turns 100

April 23, 2020
A newspaper ad for the opening of the Whitewater location of Ketterhagen Motors printed May 9th, 1946 in The Whitewater Registrar

Ketterhagen Motor Sales, your local Ford dealership, is celebrating 100 years in business. They were founded in 1920 in Palmyra, WI by W.J. Ketterhagen. W.J. was involved in the family business until his passing in 1981. In 1943 they opened a 2nd Ford Agency in downtown Whitewater where they are still currently located and have been since 1946. In 1960 they sold the Palmyra location to Lambert Maney. In that same year Joe Ketterhagen (W.J.’s son) returned from college and 2 years in the navy to run the family business. Joe was actively involved in the dealership for 50 years until his passing in 2010. The current owner is Joe’s son, Kurt, who has been involved in the day to day operations since 1985. The 3rd generation owner expresses his appreciation to Whitewater and the surrounding communities for their continuous support throughout the years and wishes to thank his father, grandfather, and Ford Motor Company for the opportunity. Most of all, the family gives a big thank you to all of our past and current employees and customers.

Kurt Ketterhagen with his wife, Kris, receives their 100 year Plaque from Mark Laneve and other Ford executives earlier this year at the Select Dealer meeting in Las Vegas
The 100 year anniversary seal of Ketterhagen Motor Sales

WHS Principal Addresses Update from Governor; El Director de WHS Hace Comentario Sobre la Actualización del Gobernador Evers

April 16, 2020

April 16, 2020 

Whippet Students and Families, 

As you may know, Governor Evers directed an extension of the Safer at Home order, which contains a provision that schools remain closed through the 2019-20 school year. This extension of the stay at home order has created many questions and concerns regarding school expectations through the rest of the year as well as the status of many of our end of the year celebrations and programs. I would like to address what we can at this time. 

First, I would like to address the students and parents of the Class of 2020. As this is not the end of the school year that any of us imagined, I wanted to let students, parents and community members know that we have been and will continue to work on, alternative plans regarding the Prom, Senior Portfolio Presentations, Scholarship Night and of course, Graduation. We have included and will continue to include the Senior Class advisors, Senior Class officers and our medical advisors in this planning process. Although these events are now officially not allowed to be run in a face-to-face format as they have traditionally, we are still committed to holding these celebrations and programs in some format so we can honor the class of 2020. We will be sending out more specific information regarding these events early next week through IC, our school website, Facebook account and the Whitewater Banner.

Second, although the school may be physically closed, students are still expected to complete their assignments through the home based learning model.  In addition, because of the quick closure of our buildings when COVID-19 first appeared, students will have one more opportunity to come to the school and retrieve personal and/or academic items on Tuesday April 28. Students will not be allowed in the building but will be able to come to the main office door, where staff members will be there to assist them. Students coming to the school to retrieve items must practice social distancing and preventive measures such as masks and gloves. Congregating at the school before and after students retrieve their items will not be permitted. The times for each grade level is as follows: 

12th GRADE: 9:00-11:00 am
11th GRADE 9:00-11:00 am
10th GRADE: 12:00-2:00 pm
 9th GRADE: 12:00-2:00 pm

We will continue to make decisions with the intention of honoring our students and communicating respectfully while at the same time prioritizing the safety of our entire community.  Your patience and understanding is appreciated as we work through this unique time.


Mike Lovenberg
Whitewater High School


16 de abril del 2020

Estudiantes de Whippet  y familias,

Como ya sabrán, el gobernador Evers ordenó  una extensión de la orden “Más seguro en casa”, que contiene una disposición de que las escuelas permanezcan cerradas durante lo que queda del año escolar 2019-20. Esta extensión de la orden de permanencia en el hogar ha creado muchas preguntas e inquietudes con respecto a las expectativas escolares durante el resto del año, así como el estado de muchas de nuestras celebraciones y programas de fin de año. Me gustaría abordar lo que podamos en este momento.

Primero, me gustaría dirigirme a los estudiantes y padres de la Clase o promoción del 2020. Como este no es el final del año escolar que imaginamos, quería que los estudiantes, padres y miembros de la comunidad sepan que continuaremos trabajando en crear planes alternativos con respecto al baile de graduación, presentaciones de portafolio para las personas mayores, noche de becas y, por supuesto, la graduación. Hemos incluido y seguiremos incluyendo a los asesores de la clase senior, a los oficiales de la clase senior y a nuestros asesores médicos en este proceso de planificación. Aunque ahora oficialmente no se permite que estos eventos se realicen en un formato presencial como se lo hace tradicionalmente, todavía estamos comprometidos a celebrar de alguna manera para que podamos celebrar a la clase del 2020. Estaremos enviando información más específica sobre estos eventos a principios de la próxima semana a través de IC, el sitio web de nuestra escuela, la cuenta de Facebook y el Whitewater Banner.

En segundo lugar, aunque la escuela puede estar físicamente cerrada, se espera que los estudiantes completen sus tareas a través del modelo de aprendizaje basado en el hogar. Además, debido al cierre rápido de nuestros edificios cuando apareció COVID-19 por primera vez, los estudiantes tendrán una oportunidad más para venir a la escuela y recuperar sus artículos personales y / o académicos el dia martes 28 de abril. No se permitirá el ingreso de los estudiantes al edificio. pero podrán llegar a la puerta de la oficina principal, donde los miembros del personal estarán para ayudarlos. Los estudiantes que vienen a la escuela para recuperar artículos deben practicar el distanciamiento social y las medidas preventivas como uso de máscaras y guantes. Congregarse en la escuela antes y después de que los estudiantes recuperen sus artículos no será permitido. Los horarios de recogida para cada nivel de grado son los siguientes:

12º GRADO: 9: 00-11: 00 am
11 ° GRADO 9: 00-11: 00 am
10º GRADO: 12: 00-2: 00 pm
 9º GRADO: 12: 00-2: 00 pm

Continuaremos tomando decisiones con la intención de honrar a nuestros estudiantes y de comunicarnos respetuosamente , mientras que al  mismo tiempo damos prioridad a la seguridad de toda nuestra comunidad. Apreciamos su paciencia y comprensión mientras trabajamos en estos tiempos únicos.

Mike Lovenberg
Escuela secundaria de Whitewater

Who Are the Candidates for WUSD District Administrator?

April 15, 2020
Kellie Bohn, with son Cooper (Genoa City district website)

Kellie Bohn

Kellie Bohn began her career in education teaching music and band in both Clintonville, WI and Whitewater, WI. After receiving her Masters’ Degree from UW-Madison, she became the Middle School Principal at Brookwood Middle School, Genoa City — a position she held for fourteen years. In 2015 she became the Superintendent of the Genoa City Jt. 2 School District.

The Genoa City Jt. 2 School District is a 4K-8th grade district in Southeastern Wisconsin. Although the district website states, “Both schools have consistently earned the state report card rating of “Exceeds Expectations,” per the WI Department of Public Instruction Accountability Report Card for 2018-19, released in November, 2019, Brookwood Elementary School received a rating of 77.7 (“exceeds expectations”), and Brookwood Middle School received a ranking of 63.5 (“meets expectations”). The district served 526 students between the two schools. Presumably most middle school graduates from the district would enroll at Badger High School or New Visions (public) Charter School in Lake Geneva.

Per the Genoa City district website, “in addition to holding licenses for Principal, Director of Curriculum and Instruction and Superintendent, Ms. Bohn is a Past-President of the WI Association of Middle Level Educators. She has presented at conferences on the topics of assessment, beginning teacher programming, the referendum process and time/task management.”

Caroline Pate-Hefty

Caroline Pete-Hefty

Dr. Caroline Pate-Hefty has been in education for nearly twenty years, most of which appears to have been focused on the area of special education. She currently serves as the Director of Student Services at Maywood-Melrose Park-Broadview School District 89, a role she has been in for seven years. Per the district’s website, the focus of Student Services is serving students with disabilities. District 89 has an enrollment of approximately 4800 students, K-8th grade, and is located in metropolitan Chicago, south of O’Hare Airport. The district has six “commendable schools” and three “underperforming schools,” per https://www.illinoisreportcard.com/District.aspx?districtId=06016089002

Dr. Pate-Hefty previously served as the Director of Special Education at Harlem (IL) Consolidated School District from 2008 to 2013. A state audit of the district during that period is reported to have prompted changes in special education. Ms. Pate-Hefty has also gained experience by serving as Principal of Walter Lawson Children’s Home, which serves persons with intellectual disabilities, for a year and a half and serving as a teacher for six years. She holds a Doctor of Education degree from National Louis University (2017), a Master of Arts degree from Concordia University (2007), and a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Wisconsin (2002). Dr. Pate-Hefty holds a Superintendent Endorsement for Illinois. (Source: https://www.fsd145.org/Page/3300)

Dr. Pate-Hefty’s LinkedIn biography states, “…responsible to oversee and support 9 schools serving 5000 students. I am a passionate educator with extensive district level experience; excellent communication, problem solving, human capital management and finacial management skill. Strong commitment to educational excellence for all students.”

Please see the post titled, “WUSD School Board Announces Two Candidates for District Administrator” for an invitation to community forums next Tuesday and Wed., 4/21-22 to introduce the candidates. There is also an opportunity to submit questions online through noon on Thurs., 4/16, although questions may also be submitted online during the forums.

Did You File Your Taxes Yet? Wait – It’s Not Really “Tax Day” Today; Also, Stimulus Payments are Starting to Arrive – Check Your Bank Account

April 15, 2020

Recently WJW Fox 8 TV in Cleveland, Ohio has been running a new feature during their morning newscast called “What Day is IT?” Many are finding that losing track of the calendar is part of everyday life during the COVID-19 pandemic. Consequently it wouldn’t be shocking if you didn’t realize that April 15, normally “tax day,” is today.

If you haven’t yet filed your income taxes, the good news is that it doesn’t matter if you’re sick, quarantined, or perfectly healthy but trying to keep others safe by sitting at home, you now have a new one-time July 15 deadline for filing your 2019 returns. No late-filing penalty, late-payment penalty or interest will be due. The delay is designed to give a break to taxpayers who may be having a hard time making ends meet, as hours are cut and workplaces are closed to combat the spread of the virus.

Estimated Tax Payments: The Internal Revenue Service had also announced that any estimated tax payments for 2020 that would normally be due on April 15 could also be delayed until July 15 without penalty. This resulted in an odd situation: it appeared that the deadline for filing April 15 estimated taxes would come later than the usual June 15 payment. On April 9, however, the IRS announced that the due date for the June payment had also been extended to July 15. This means that any individual or corporation that has a quarterly estimated tax payment due on or after April 1, 2020, and before July 15, 2020, can wait until July 15 to make that payment, without penalty.  

Extension of time to file beyond July 15

Individual taxpayers who need additional time to file beyond the July 15 deadline can request an extension to Oct. 15, 2020, by filing Form 4868 through their tax professional, tax software or using the Free File link on IRS.gov. Businesses who need additional time must file Form 7004. An extension to file is not an extension to pay any taxes owed. Taxpayers requesting additional time to file should estimate their tax liability and pay any taxes owed by the July 15, 2020, deadline to avoid additional interest and penalties.

Walworth County Reports First Death Attributable to COVID-19 (Updated)

April 12, 2020

A Walworth County resident has died due to COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, per a press release on April 12. The patient is an adult in their 80’s. UPDATED: In response to a question from the Banner, Carlo Nevicosi, Deputy Director of Walworth County HHS, indicated that “The case was laboratory-confirmed for COVID-19.”

“It is with great sadness that I confirm that a Walworth County resident has passed away due to COVID-19”, said Elizabeth Aldred, Health and Human Services (HHS) Director. “This is a sad day for Walworth County. Our entire community feels the weight of this loss.”

The release did not indicate where the individual had lived. Walworth County HHS recently indicated that COVID-19 has been confirmed or suspected in every major community in the county. In a telephone conversation with a Banner staff member on April 7, Carlo Nevicosi, Deputy Director of the Walworth County Department of Health & Human Services, confirmed that there are “confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19” in Whitewater. Mr. Nevicosi stated that he was not at that time authorized to release any further information regarding the nature of those cases.

The Walworth County Division of Public Health continues to monitor the spread of the disease and implement practices to reduce transmission.

“We know that many Walworth County residents are concerned about what impact this virus may have on themselves and their loved ones. This is a rapidly evolving public health event that we are taking very seriously” added Aldred. “This is a time to remind everyone of the importance of taking precautions to protect those at higher risk, especially the elderly and people with serious underlying health conditions.”

To reduce risk of getting sick, Public Health advises everyone to follow these simple steps:

  • Following the Safer at Home Order
  • Frequent and thorough handwashing with soap and water.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes.
  • Avoid touching your face.
  • Stay home when sick.

This is a rapidly evolving situation. For the latest information, visit the CDC’s website or the DHS website.

For the latest information about COVID-19 in Walworth County, visit:



Obituary: Isaac Richard Unger, 31

Isaac Richard Unger left the field on Christmas Day, and is now at peace. He was born in Whitewater, WI on April 1st, 1993 to Paul and Mary Jo (née Peiffer) Unger. Isaac was born ten days late on a silly holiday, and lived his life as such–never rushed, and with a lighthearted sense of humor. Isaac graduated from Madison East High School in 2011, and then attended UW-River Falls from 2011-2016, where he studied English and philosophy. Isaac was a sports lover, not only as a spectator, but as a participant. Isaac grew up playing soccer, basketball (Badger Sporting … Read more

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Obituary: John George Mack, 61

John George Mack passed away into eternal glory on December 24th, 2024. John was born December 1, 1963, in Fort Atkinson, WI to Ronald and Mary Alice (Hanson) Mack of Whitewater.   John was a 1982 Whitewater High School graduate. In 1983 just out of high school John started his first wood company selling wholesale through all the major gift markets including Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles and New York. At the time his clients included 8 out of the 10 retail chains and several thousand independent stores nationwide. John had so many wonderful customers and associates.   As the wholesale gift market shifted to cheaper overseas … Read more

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Obituary: Clifford Maynard Witte, 103

Clifford Maynard Witte, age 103, of Whitewater, WI completed his earthly journey on December 24, 2024 in his home surrounded by his loving family.  Clifford was born on September 13, 1921 on a farm in Mount Horeb, WI, and was the third child of Ella and Eli Witte.  Clifford served his country by joining the Navy in 1942 during WWII, and served alongside his two brothers. Later he used the GI bill to attend Palmer Chiropractic College in Davenport, IA. There he met the love of his life, Beulah (Billie) Ohrberg, and they married on Nov 7, 1946. Shortly after … Read more

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Obituary: Mary Ann Burkhardt, 79

Mary Ann Burkhardt, 79, passed away December 24, 2024, at Edgerton Hospital, surrounded by loved ones following a brief illness. Mary was born on September 14, 1945, in Chicago, IL, to Raymond and Helen (Pasternak) Burkhardt. She attended elementary school in Chicago and Good Counsel Catholic Girls High School, before her family moved to Whitewater where she graduated from WHS in 1963.  She worked at Gus’s Pizza Palace, Whitewater Products, and finally, Jones Dairy Farm until her retirement 33 years later.  She enjoyed bowling, snowmobiling, boating, golf, riding her motorcycle, and playing softball for the Long Branch Saloon.  She was … Read more

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Obituary: Jean Lucile Zuill, 98

Jean Lucile Zuill, 98, of Whitewater passed away on Thursday, December 19, 2024 at Hearthstone Memory Care. Jean was born on April 20, 1926 in the Town of Lima to Howard and Florence (VanDuser) Hunt. Along with her brother Van, she grew up on their family farm in Lima. She graduated from Whitewater High School in 1944. For a short time, Jean worked at the Parker Pen Company in Janesville. She married David “Dave” Zuill on August 9, 1947 in Whitewater. Upon marriage and having their two daughters, Janet and Mary, Jean undertook the meaningful job of mother and homemaker. … Read more

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Obituary: Helen Ruth Delaney, 94

Helen Ruth Delaney, 94, of Whitewater, WI, passed away peacefully into the arms of her Heavenly Father on Friday, December 20, 2024. She was born in Bellwood, West Virginia on August 8, 1930, daughter of Henderson C. and Bertha J. (Skaggs) Hamby. She attended Leedwood High School in West Virginia. She attended Cornell University in New York studying economics and business. On April 8, 1978, Helen married Laurence W. Delaney in Rockton, IL. Helen retired as the Manager of a Hallmark gift shop in Greenville SC and previously managed the Stop ‘N Go in Whitewater, WI. Helen was a member … Read more

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Obituary: Barbara E. Mischio, 85

Mischio, Barbara E. May 17, 1939 – December 13, 2024  Barbara Mischio passed away on December 13, 2024, at the age of 85. A spirited mother, educator, artist and friend, Barbara left us after a brief battle with pancreatic cancer. She is survived by her husband George, sons Scott, David (Amy) and Greg (Sharon), and grandchildren Jackson, Owen, Sam and Anna. Barbara was born on May 17, 1939, in Carlstadt, New Jersey. She was raised by her mother, Julia, and her stepfather, Louis. She had a younger sister, Geri, whom she grew close to despite their eight-year difference in age.  … Read more

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Obituary: LTC Patrick J. “Pat” O’Connor, 71

LTC Patrick J. “Pat” O’Connor, 71, of Whitewater passed away on Friday, December 6, 2024 at Our House Memory Care in Whitewater. Pat was born March 17 at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland. He moved often during his early school days as the family followed his father to different Army posts before settling in Whitewater when Pat was in high school. He graduated from West Point Military Academy and later completed a graduate degree from UW-Whitewater while on active duty. Pat served in the United States Army until his retirement. He took skills developed over decades of military service into … Read more

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Obituary: Florence “Flo” May (nee Arbuthnot) Rhodes, 90, of MI

Florence “Flo” May (nee Arbuthnot) Rhodes, 90, of Grosse Pointe, Mich., and longtime resident of Whitewater, Wis., died Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2024, at her home and surrounded by family, having celebrated her birthday nearly three weeks before. Her passing followed the loss of her husband of 62 years, Benjamin Rhodes, earlier this year. Born Nov. 6, 1934, in Janesville, Wis., Flo was the third of four children of George and Irene (nee VanDreser) Arbuthnot. Her parents owned Arbuthnot Dairy in Janesville, Wis. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a Bachelor of Arts degree in comparative literature in 1957, … Read more

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Obituary: Charles Aubrey “Skip” Grover, 83

Charles Aubrey “Skip” GroverFebruary 11, 1941 – November 25, 2024 WHITEWATER – Charles Aubrey “Skip” Grover, passed away on Monday, November 25, 2024. He was born in Dent, Minn., on February 11, 1941, the youngest son of Verlie Evangeline (nee Babcock) and Cyril Erwin Grover. His older sisters Elaine, Elizabeth and Verna Mae, and older brother, Duane (Cyril Duane) all predeceased him. Skip attended University of Minnesota – Moorhead for his undergraduate degree. He joined the U.S. Army National Guard in Minnesota and continued to serve after transferring to California. Skip went on to receive his Ph.D. in Theatre Research … Read more

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