Early City Motto "The Banner Inland City of the Midwest"
The Banner has been serving Whitewater, Wisconsin since August 1, 2006

Today is Monday, January 13, 2025

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#FlashbackFriday with the Historical Society: The Walworth Hotel

April 18, 2024

It’s time once again for #FlashbackFriday with the Whitewater Historical Society. Here is a turn-of-the-twentieth-century photo of Whitewater’s new luxury hotel, the Walworth Hotel, opened in January of 1891. Today, it is known as the Landmark Building with the Ground Zero bar.

The Walworth Hotel had a banquet room and served gourmet meals on holidays and was the most up-to-date place to stay during the early 1900s. Hotels like these soon became obsolete, as increasingly good roads in the 1920s allowed visitors to come to the city for day trips rather than extended stays. But, during its heyday at the turn of the twentieth century, the Walworth was “THE” place to stay in town.

Join us next week for more from the Whitewater Historical Society.

(3078PC, Whitewater Historical Society)

Spring Water Main & Hydrant Flushing Begins Monday

April 18, 2024

NOTICE: The Water Utility will begin its semi-annual water main and hydrant flushing program on Monday, April 22, through Friday, May 3.

Flushing of water mains is necessary to test the hydrants to make sure adequate flow and pressure is available. It also confirms the fire hydrants and valves are operating correctly. In addition, it enhances water quality by removing sediment from the pipes in order to maintain water clarity and quality in the distribution pipes.

Occasionally, water becomes discolored after hydrant flushing. If this happens turn on an outside spigot or a cold water tap, in the lowest level of your home, for a few minutes until the water clears. If it doesn’t clear the first time, wait a few minutes and run the water again. You may want to wait until the crew has left the area and the water settles down before running your water tap.
Additionally, caution should be exercised in washing of white clothing. Discoloration of water due to flushing WILL stain white clothing. Therefore, you should avoid washing clothes until the water clears.

If the Water Utility crew experiences more repairs than expected throughout the two weeks, flushing may continue into the following week. Thank you for your patience and understanding during water main and hydrant flushing.

Jim Bergner, Superintendent
Water Utility
(262) 473-0560

Jose Cano – An Immigrant Story

April 18, 2024

Editor’s Note:  The following interview was done by Marjorie Stoneman on behalf of Whitewater Unites Lives.

Jose Cano’s parents came to the U.S. from Guadalajara, Mexico when he was five years old.  Now 40 years old, Jose has been working to become a United States citizen.  Currently, he is in the DACA program (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and must register often to keep his driver’s license and permit to work.  And work he does.

Jose works full-time as an automotive technician in Delavan, volunteers full-time for the Delavan Fire Department, and is raising five children with his wife in Delavan.  But his American journey began in Whitewater.

Jose Cano is pictured here with his Life Saving Medal for “Ten Successful Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Saves.”

When Jose came to the United States with his grandfather and parents at age five, he did not know English.  The family lived at the Twin Oaks Trailer Court and Jose attended Washington Elementary School, where he learned English. 

When he was in Middle School the family moved to Delavan to join a church there.  His grandfather, parents and siblings have all since become United States citizens.  Jose, though, continues in limbo through the DACA program.

After high school, he wanted to become a Marine, but because of his legal status, he was unable to.  Now, he says, he is so grateful that his children are United States citizens and can be whatever they want to be.

“It’s frustrating that we get our hopes up and then we get pushed to the ‘back burner.’  It is very stressful,” he said of the DACA program.

Yet he has a giving, caring, warm, friendly disposition, and is raising his family to be helpers.  He tells his eldest son, “If you see someone in need, do what you can to help.” Not long ago Jose received a Life Saving Medal for “Ten Successful Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Saves” in connection with his volunteer service with the Delavan Fire Department.

But Jose has taken his caring nature beyond Wisconsin borders.

In 2014 he and his family drove to Arkansas to help the families devastated by a tornado that killed 16 people.  He, his wife and son filled up their minivan with supplies and delivered them.  He remembers his son taking his own toys and giving them freely on his own to a family that lost everything.

In 2017, he and several co-workers, with the contribution of a truck from Kunes, delivered supplies to help victims of Hurricane Harvey in Texas.  He was so grateful to the Delavan community members who helped fill the truck with donations.  He said it was eye-opening to see how the community responded to help a different community – to help a human cause. 

“Working together we can accomplish good in society, regardless of color, background, or where you are from,” said Jose.  “I wish it was more like that every day, where people value and respect each other regardless of color.”

Jose also donates his spare time to help local people as a board member of the Open Arms Free Clinic and as a member of Voces de la Frontera.  In Whitewater, he was one of the first to join the recently-formed Immigrant Support Coalition.  He is pleased about the group, and thankful that “people see us as human – they don’t just see where we are from or the color of our skin, but they look at us a human beings.” He is glad to be a part of the group because Whitewater is his childhood home.

Jose is also grateful that Whitewater Police Chief Dan Meyer is supportive of driver’s licenses for all people in Wisconsin, regardless of legal status.  He says many people need to go to Illinois to be trained to drive and receive a driver’s license, but that is not always practical for families.  He says making sure that all drivers are trained and get insurance is a necessity and a safety issue.

WUL (Whitewater Unites Lives) is a locally-focused civil and human rights group that works to connect the people in our community and to create opportunities for all people to learn and support each other in our common humanity.

Ferradermis Robotics Team Competition Schedule in Houston for Thurs./Fri. Announced – Livestream provided (Updated)

April 18, 2024

Updated throughout the day on Thursday with match scores.

Members of Whitewater High School Ferradermis FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Competition Team #6574 are in Houston, Texas for the April 17-20 FIRST Championship, a culminating, international event for the youth robotics competition season and a celebration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). An April 15 post on the Banner provides information about the competition.

Laura Masbruch, team administrator, provided the qualification match schedule for the World Championships for Ferradermis on Thursday and Friday, which is shown below, with #6574 being underlined. The event will continue on Saturday with a full day of playoffs. The livestream may be watched at  https://www.twitch.tv/firstinspires_hopper 

Ferradermis was part of the winning “red” team in their first competition.

Ferradermis was part of the winning “blue” team in their second match.

Ferradermis was on the winning “red” team for their third consecutive match. Note that they have different partners each time.

Ferradermis now has a 3-1 record.

Ferradermis’ record is now 3-2.

Fremont Reconstruction Project Starts Monday, 4/22 – Road closures through the summer

April 17, 2024

Editor’s note: The following press release was received from the City of Whitewater Dept. of Public Works.

It is anticipated Phase I of the Fremont Reconstruction Project will begin on Monday, April 22, 2024. Fremont Street from Starin Road to Lauderdale Drive will be closed to through traffic. The intersection of Starin Road and Fremont Street will remain open to traffic; however, the intersection of Lauderdale Drive and Fremont Street will be closed to traffic. Work in this portion of the project includes replacement of sanitary sewer mains and laterals, replacement of water mains and laterals, storm sewer improvements, replacement of sidewalk, curb and gutter, and new asphalt pavement. The project also includes work to abandon, in place, sanitary sewer and water mains that run under Treyton Field.

Phase II of the Fremont Reconstruction Project will begin later this summer. During work on Phase II, Fremont Street will be closed to thru traffic from Starin Road to Whitewater Creek. Work includes the pulverizing of existing asphalt, new asphalt pavement, and ditch work between Lauderdale Drive and Whitewater Creek. The intersections of Schwager Drive and Fremont Street and Burr Oak Drive and Fremont Street will also be closed to traffic during this phase. Additionally, there will be periodic closures of the Starin Road and Fremont intersection to facilitate curb and gutter replacement and repaving of the intersection.
Fremont Street from Starin Road to Whitewater Creek is tentatively scheduled to be open to traffic by September 1, 2024.

If you have any questions please contact Brad Marquardt, Director of Public Works.
Brad Marquardt
Director of Public Works
(262) 473-2239

Municipal Judge Applications Accepted Until April 26

April 17, 2024

The City of Whitewater is sad to share the resignation of Judge Patrick Taylor. Judge Taylor has served the community with distinction, dedicating five years to upholding justice as a municipal judge. We thank him for his service and are excited for him on his new adventure.

In light of this resignation, the City of Whitewater is actively seeking qualified candidates to fill the vacant position of judge. Applications are now being accepted and will remain open until April 26th. Interested individuals are encouraged to submit their letter of intent, resume, and three references promptly to be considered for this vital role in our community.

Following the application deadline, candidates selected for consideration must attend a special council meeting scheduled for May 1st at 6:00 p.m. At this meeting, candidates will have the opportunity to participate in interviews conducted by the Common Council and the Council will appoint a judge that night. Our intent is that the newly appointed judge will have the opportunity to attend New Municipal Judge Orientation, May 7-10, 2024 in Appleton.

A special election for the municipal judge will be held on November 5 together with the Presidential Election. The successful candidate will be expected to complete the unexpired term which ends in April, 2026.

Qualified individuals interested in applying for the position of Judge in the City of Whitewater must submit their application to the Chief of Staff, Becky Magestro at bmagestro@whitewater-wi.gov Any questions, please call at 262-473-0101.

Editor’s note: The above press release was provided by the city of Whitewater. Per state statute, a qualified candidate must be an elector in the city. Although municipal judges are generally attorneys, it is not a legal requirement of the city.
A previous post regarding the resignation of Patrick Taylor may be viewed here.

Breaking News: Whitewater Landmarks Are Not Delivered by the Stork

April 17, 2024

Landmark Trek has found out, through its own investigation, that our Whitewater Landmarks were not originally delivered to the city of Whitewater by the stork. On the contrary, there is an organization in Whitewater that actually takes care of this work. The details are in the new Landmark Trek video below – take a gander!

This Week’s Rummage Sale

April 17, 2024

Reynolds’ Rummage Sale
12240 E. Bradley Road
Whitewater, WI
Friday April 19th. 9-6pm.   Sat. April 20th. 9-2pm
Rain or shine!
A lot of like new/new in the box Baby gear, 2-12” girl’s bikes, Lg. galvanized outdoor pots, adult clothes, dishwasher, household items and decorations!

A Banner Service: Garage Sale Ads

As a result of a reader’s comment that it’s hard to find garage sales in Whitewater now that we no longer have a weekly shopper, the Banner staff agreed to begin a complimentary “consolidated” garage sale posting that will be published by Thursday morning for the upcoming weekend’s sales. This announcement will only be for garage sales (a sale of miscellaneous household goods, often held in the garage or front yard of someone’s house) in the city and school district boundaries. We will not be accepting, for example, ads for cars or other items that are not part of a scheduled garage sale. There will be a limit of three times per year for a particular property. 

Those wishing to place a notice must send the information to whitewaterbanner@gmail.com by Wednesday at 6 p.m. You may include a brief description of the items that are for sale, the hours and days of the sale, and of course your address. A few photos may also be included if desired; we prefer jpg format if possible.


Obituary: Kandi Lynn Kincaid (Cardinal)

In Loving Memory of Kandi Lynn Kincaid (Cardinal)Beloved Daughter, Sister, Mother, Grandmother, and Friend It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Kandi Lynn Kincaid, daughter of Eunice and Richard Kincaid, on December 28th at 7 PM. Kandi passed away peacefully in bed, enjoying one of her favorite pastimes—watching crime shows. Kandi was a woman of many passions. She was a devoted fan of the Chicago Bears, found joy in listening to 2Pac, and had an unwavering love for animals, always standing against cruelty of any kind. Her smile could light up a room, and her warmth … Read more

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Obituary: Dr. George Harold Seeburger, 89, of Lake Mills

Dr. George Harold Seeburger, 89, of Lake Mills passed away on Friday, January 3, 2025 at Lilac Springs Assisted Living in Lake Mills. George was born on July 20, 1935 in Phillips, Wisconsin to George and Nellie (Knight) Seeburger.  He graduated from Phillips High School and received an undergraduate degree from UW Stevens Point and went on to earn his PhD from the University of Georgia Athens. He was a biology professor at UW Whitewater up until his retirement. George married Nancy Carole Skalitzky on November 6, 1959 in Waukegan, Illinois. Nancy passed on November 13, 2021.  They enjoyed traveling … Read more

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Obituary: William J. “Bill” West, 75

William J. “Bill” West, 75, of Whitewater passed away on Tuesday, December 24, 2024 at Fort Memorial Hospital in Fort Atkinson. Bill was born on September 8, 1949 to John and Bessie (Sutherland) West in Fort Atkinson. He worked at the University of Wisconsin at Whitewater for twelve years. Bill enjoyed watching the Packers and NASCAR. He is survived by his girlfriend, Sandy Hahn; and many friends and family. A memorial visitation will take place on Thursday, January 16, 2025 from 11 AM until 1 PM at Nitardy Funeral Home, 550 N. Newcomb St., Whitewater, WI 53190. Inurnment will take … Read more

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Obituary: David Harold Baker Jr., 61, of Portland, OR

David Harold Baker Jr., beloved husband, father, stepfather, son, and brother, passed away on December 16, 2024, in Portland, Oregon, at the age of 61. Born on August 10, 1963, in Beaufort, South Carolina, David was the firstborn child of David Baker Sr. and the late Betty Jean Baker (née Wickham) while his father served in the United States Marine Corps. David spent his early years in Wyoming, where the family lived until his parents divorced. In 1976, David moved to Oregon with his father, and he graduated from high school in 1982. Shortly after, he moved to Wisconsin to … Read more

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Obituary: Allen C. Hicks, 85

Allen C. Hicks, 85 of Whitewater passed away on Saturday, January 4th, 2025 at Huntington Memory Care in Janesville. Al, the oldest of seven boys, was born on July 5th, 1939, in Belvidere, Illinois to Walt and Laura (Keller) Hicks. A few years later, the family bought a dairy farm in Whitewater and became very active in the Whitewater community. There was always work to be done or something to be repaired on the farm which led to Al’s lifelong love of tinkering. He was very active in high school sports which continued on into his adult years playing in … Read more

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Obituary: Jeanette Ila Hansen, 91

Jeanette Ila Hansen, 91, Whitewater passed away on December 24, 2024 at Rainbow Hospice Inpatient Center in Johnson Creek, WI, having lived independently almost all her later life. Jeanette was born on May 12, 1933 in Whitewater, WI to Alvin and Maybell (Maasz) Cox.  She married Norman Hansen on November 2, 1950 and they were married for 59 years.  Jeanette enjoyed fishing, reading, indoor gardening, collecting dolls, and cooking; and she made many beautiful items with crocheting, knitting, and sewing.  She was generous and seemed to have a good word to say about almost everyone she met. She especially loved … Read more

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Obituary: Isaac Richard Unger, 31

Isaac Richard Unger left the field on Christmas Day, and is now at peace. He was born in Whitewater, WI on April 1st, 1993 to Paul and Mary Jo (née Peiffer) Unger. Isaac was born ten days late on a silly holiday, and lived his life as such–never rushed, and with a lighthearted sense of humor. Isaac graduated from Madison East High School in 2011, and then attended UW-River Falls from 2011-2016, where he studied English and philosophy. Isaac was a sports lover, not only as a spectator, but as a participant. Isaac grew up playing soccer, basketball (Badger Sporting … Read more

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Obituary: John George Mack, 61

John George Mack passed away into eternal glory on December 24th, 2024. John was born December 1, 1963, in Fort Atkinson, WI to Ronald and Mary Alice (Hanson) Mack of Whitewater.   John was a 1982 Whitewater High School graduate. In 1983 just out of high school John started his first wood company selling wholesale through all the major gift markets including Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles and New York. At the time his clients included 8 out of the 10 retail chains and several thousand independent stores nationwide. John had so many wonderful customers and associates.   As the wholesale gift market shifted to cheaper overseas … Read more

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Obituary: Clifford Maynard Witte, 103

Clifford Maynard Witte, age 103, of Whitewater, WI completed his earthly journey on December 24, 2024 in his home surrounded by his loving family.  Clifford was born on September 13, 1921 on a farm in Mount Horeb, WI, and was the third child of Ella and Eli Witte.  Clifford served his country by joining the Navy in 1942 during WWII, and served alongside his two brothers. Later he used the GI bill to attend Palmer Chiropractic College in Davenport, IA. There he met the love of his life, Beulah (Billie) Ohrberg, and they married on Nov 7, 1946. Shortly after … Read more

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Obituary: Mary Ann Burkhardt, 79

Mary Ann Burkhardt, 79, passed away December 24, 2024, at Edgerton Hospital, surrounded by loved ones following a brief illness. Mary was born on September 14, 1945, in Chicago, IL, to Raymond and Helen (Pasternak) Burkhardt. She attended elementary school in Chicago and Good Counsel Catholic Girls High School, before her family moved to Whitewater where she graduated from WHS in 1963.  She worked at Gus’s Pizza Palace, Whitewater Products, and finally, Jones Dairy Farm until her retirement 33 years later.  She enjoyed bowling, snowmobiling, boating, golf, riding her motorcycle, and playing softball for the Long Branch Saloon.  She was … Read more

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