“A Journey to Joy” Proved to Be a Prophetic Title for WARM’s Christmas Cantata

Photos courtesy of Tom Ganser
Pastor Dan Fahs
Nathan Roley
Lauren Hayes joined the orchestra on her beautiful new harp.

By Lynn Binnie
Whitewater Banner volunteer staff

The Whitewater Area Regional Ministry (WARM) of the United Methodist Church presented the Christmas cantata, “A Journey to Joy,” a beautiful brand new work by Joseph M. Martin, on Sunday, December 10 at First United Methodist Church. Presentations took place at the 10 a.m. worship service and at a 4:00 p.m. concert. The 35-voice choir included singers from the community, including UW-Whitewater, as did the 17-piece orchestra.

Soloists for the presentation were Jen Crone, Nathan Roley, Barb Taylor and Kay Ebert.  The choir was conducted by Christine Hayes and accompanied on piano by James Athas.  The work is a joyful blend of traditional carols and contemporary selections all telling the Christmas story.  Scripture and narration interjected throughout the cantata was delivered by The Rev. Dan Fahs and The Rev. Beth Staniforth-Seamster.

Christine Hayes said, “The cantata, “A Journey to Joy,” truly proved to be prophetic. Bringing together 50 singers and instrumentalists lifted our souls as we prepared this beautiful music. The musicians represented the Whitewater community, churches and university.  As we rehearsed each week, the messages of peace, love, hope and joy rang out.  Presenting this Christmas message to hundreds, either in person or watching virtually, culminated in a joyous and emotional experience for the audience and performers.  We are deeply appreciative of Joe Mansfield, who gifted us with memorial funds, making these two performances possible. It will carry us all through the Holy Christmas season. May we all carry the joy of Christmas in our hearts.”

A video of the cantata may be viewed here. The cantata begins at 19:50 on the recording.

UW-W Students Hired Before Graduation

Editor’s note: The following press release was received from UW-Whitewater.

A total of 50 students from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater were hired before graduation.

The following University of Wisconsin-Whitewater students [who consider Whitewater to be their home] recently graduated and were hired before graduation:

Patrice Achu, who graduated with a DBA in business administration.

Brett Knowlton, who graduated with a BBA in finance.

Chloe Welak, who graduated with a BBA in supply chain management.

April Wright, who graduated with a A.A. in fine arts.

Conner Young, who graduated with a B.S. in legal studies.

$20 E-gift Card Offered for Blood Donations on Thursday

The holidays can be tough for hospitalized patients and their loved ones – especially if they need blood. Please spare a moment this season to give the life-changing gift of blood and hope for these families. Donors will receive a $20 e-gift card* as thanks!  This includes those who have already made an appointment.

Thursday, 12/21/23 (1:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.)
146 W. NORTH ST.

*Donors will receive an email from Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin <noreply@tangocard.com> 4-7 business days after their donation with a link to redeem $20 at a vendor of their choice, including Amazon, Starbucks, Target, Walmart and 60 more. Donors must have a valid email address on file with us prior to their appointment, or update it at the time of their donation.

Please make an appointment at this link or by calling Lynn at 262-473-2997. If you are a new donor to Versiti, use the link and then click on “login” and follow the directions under “new donors.”

Flags to Half-Staff in Memory of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor

Justice Sandra Day O’Connor was an American icon, the first woman on our Nation’s highest court. She spent her career committed to the stable center, pragmatic and in search of common ground. Defined by her no-nonsense Arizona ranch roots, Justice O’Connor overcame discrimination early on, at a time when law firms too often told women to seek work as secretaries, not attorneys. She gave her life to public service, even holding elected office, and never forgot those ties to the people whom the law is meant to serve. She sought to avoid ideology, and was devoted to the rule of law and to the bedrock American principle of an independent judiciary. Justice O’Connor never quit striving to make this Nation stronger, calling on us all to engage with our country and with one another, and her institute’s work to promote civics education and civil discourse has touched millions. She knew that for democracy to work, we have to listen to each other, and remember how much more we all have in common as Americans than what keeps us apart.

As a mark of respect for the memory and longstanding service of Sandra Day O’Connor, retired Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, I hereby order, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, that on the day of her interment [Tuesday, December 19], the flag of the United States shall be flown at half‑staff at the White House and upon all public buildings and grounds, at all military posts and naval stations, and on all naval vessels of the Federal Government in the District of Columbia and throughout the United States and its Territories and possessions until sunset on such day. I also direct that the flag shall be flown at half-staff for the same period at all United States embassies, legations, consular offices, and other facilities abroad, including all military facilities and naval vessels and stations.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourth day of December, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-eighth.

                            JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR.


Grads of UW-W Doctorate of Business Admin. Shine in Their Professional Pursuits

Editor’s note: The following press release was received from the UW-Whitewater College of Business and Economics.

Graduates of UW-Whitewater DBA (Doctorate of Business Administration) Program Shine in Their Professional Pursuits 

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater proudly announces the completion of its 2023 Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) program by eleven outstanding individuals. These graduates – Patrice Achu, Tobin Anderson, Eric Barber, Betty Carew, Michelle Gabor, Kokou Gadedji, Chris Harper, Melissa Nelson, David Rollins, Rizvana Zameeruddin, and Emily Zoet – mark a significant milestone as they prepare for their commencement ceremony in December.

Reflecting on their transformative experiences, these graduates have shared invaluable insights into the program’s impact on their careers and scholarly contributions. Dr. Patrice Achu, this year’s commencement speaker, highlighted, “The program’s deep understanding of strategic leadership, research methodologies, and the ability to apply theoretical concepts to real-world business challenges” as a standout feature that prepared them for leadership roles.

The program’s emphasis on critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills resonated strongly with the alumni, enabling seamless application of theoretical knowledge to practical business contexts. Dr. Emily Zoet affirmed her commitment to ongoing professional development, stating, “I will continue in my role as Assistant Professor of Accountancy at Ferris State University, researching sustainability issues in accounting, including climate change risk.”

Dr. Eric Barber, another program alumnus, expressed intentions to continue building upon learned skills and contribute to research in the areas of management and organizational behavior. He further announced participation in the 2024 Academy of Human Resources Development (AHRD) conference, showcasing ongoing dedication to scholarly engagement.

Key highlights from the graduates included the invaluable networking opportunities, exposure to diverse perspectives, and collaborative experiences with classmates and professors. They praised the program’s unique approach, combining self-study with live group discussions and a collegial, supportive learning environment.

Dr. Melissa Nelson, securing a tenure-track position in Silicon Valley, emphasized her enthusiasm for continued research and publishing articles in esteemed journals, contributing to the evolving landscape of academia.

When asked what he enjoyed about the program, Dr. Tobin Anderson replied with “The mix of self- study and live discussions challenged my thinking, taking our learnings to an additional level,” highlighting the program’s unique approach that enriched the learning experience.

The UW-Whitewater DBA program continues to empower professionals, equipping them with the tools and expertise to excel in their careers and contribute significantly to their respective fields.

Cortland wins 2023 Stagg Bowl, the DIII football championship

From ncaa.com:

The Cortland Red Dragons are the DIII football champions for the first time in program history. A back-and-forth scoring match ended with one victor, as Cortland [State University of New York at Cortland] defeated [defending champion] North Central (IL) 38-37 to win the title.

Editor’s note: The Stagg Bowl returned to Salem, Virginia, for its 50th anniversary game. The game had previously been played there for 25 years. A report on fans coming from all over because of the anniversary, including from schools that weren’t even playing, may be found here. UW-Whitewater has won the bowl six times.

In Friday’s matchup, both teams were tied 31 a piece with 7:16 left on the clock in the fourth quarter. Cortland’s Cole Burgess’ second TD of the night came on a 21-yard pass from junior QB Zac Boyes with 1:41 left. North Central (IL) QB Luke Lehnen’s 60-yard TD pass to DeAngelo Hardy gave the Cardinals a possibility to win their fourth Stagg Bowl in a row, but a failed two-point conversion fell incomplete to close out the game.

Boyes accounted for 472 of Cortland’s 503 offensive yards, 349 through the air and 154 on the ground.

Cortland finishes its first national championship-winning season 14-1 overall.

Here is the schedule of the 2023 NCAA Division III football tournament:

2023 NCAA Division III football tournament schedule, scores

Opening Round: Saturday, Nov. 18

Second Round: Saturday, Nov. 25

Quarterfinals: Saturday, Dec. 2

Semifinals: Saturday, Dec. 9

Championship: Friday, December 15

Photo Gallery of WHS Winter Gala (Updated)

Updated on 12/16/23 at 11:55 p.m. to provide photo credit.

Photos of the Whitewater High School Winter Gala on December 6, courtesy of Tom Ganser

This Week’s City & School Board Meetings (Updated)

Updated 12/18/23 at 2 p.m. to add agendas for the Ethics Committee and the Community Development Authority.

Whitewater Unified School District School Board – Monday @ 5:30 p.m. (Closed session)
Agenda (Click on “meetings” in upper right corner): consider a third party donation into an endowment fund to benefit the District; and the Whitewater Aquatic & Fitness Center negotiations; the WUSD Budget; and discuss disciplinary data of a specific employee.
Whitewater High School Library
534 South Elizabeth Street, Whitewater, Wisconsin
5:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m. via Zoom Online
– URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88316939949?pwd=MWdkSUhIaklmVTZFSTk3UmhCTFhYZz09
– Passcode: 606431
– Dial-in: 1-312-626-6799
– Webinar ID: 883 1693 9949
– Passcode: 606431
Closed Session
7:00 p.m. via Zoom Online (OPEN SESSION)
Agenda (Click on “meetings” in upper right corner) includes WUSD Strategic Planning & Scorecard Review, Whitewater High School, Superintendent Update – Mid-year review of the WUSD Strategic Plan (Action Item) & District Data Snapshot, and Review of 2022-23 Financial Audit.
– URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86111756385?pwd=ZUhLbFNla0hSWVBkeDVkRWNUSGxSdz09
– Passcode: 211383
– Dial-in: 1-312-626-6799
– Webinar ID: 861 1175 6385
– Passcode: 211383

Irvin L. Young Library Board of Trustees – Monday @ 6:30 p.m.
Agenda includes closed session regarding the Library Director search, followed by open session for possible action on that matter.
Whitewater Municipal Building Community Room,
312 West Whitewater St.
*In Person and Virtual
Citizens are welcome (and encouraged) to join our webinar via computer, smart phone, or telephone.
Citizen participation is welcome during topic discussion periods.
1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 899 2965 6951
Passcode: 50657151

City of Whitewater Common Council – Tuesday @ 6:30 p.m.
Agenda includes Loss of MSP payments and MOU with UW Whitewater for reimbursement of dispatch
services, update on mill rates, First reading of Ordinance 2080 an ordinance amending 19.51.180 Truck, Trailer, Mobile Home and Equipment Parking Restrictions, First reading of Ordinance 2082 an ordinance amending Title 20 Property Maintenance, Discussion and possible action regarding possible retention of outside legal counsel for
the ethics committee, Discussion and possible action regarding employee bonuses, and Discussion and possible action regarding Letter to Elected Officials Requesting Resources to Address Impacts of Immigration. Closed session, followed by open session, regarding Discussion of which attorney from the law firm of VonBriesen to retain to advise the city
council on personnel matters.
Whitewater Municipal Building Community Room,
312 West Whitewater St.
*In Person and Virtual
Citizens are welcome (and encouraged) to join our webinar via computer, smart phone, or telephone.
Citizen participation is welcome during topic discussion periods.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Or Telephone: 1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Webinar ID: 885 8805 9829
Passcode: 153993

City of Whitewater Park & Recreation Board – Wednesday @ 5:30 p.m.
Agenda includes Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Renaming East Gate Park and Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Facility Rental and Reservation Policy Update.
Cravath Lakefront room 2nd floor 312 West Whitewater Str,
*In Person and Virtual
Citizens are welcome (and encouraged) to join our webinar via computer, smart phone, or telephone.
Citizen participation is welcome during topic discussion periods.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 6050 9592
Passcode: 817643
Dial by your location
1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 871 6050 9592
Passcode: 817643

City of Whitewater Ethics Committee – Thursday @ 5:00 p.m.
Agenda includes discussion and possible retention of outside legal counsel, and discussion and possible action regarding setting rules for the Ethics Committee.
Cravath Lakefront room, 2nd floor
312 West Whitewater St, Whitewater
*In Person and Virtual
Citizens are welcome (and encouraged) to join our webinar via computer, smart phone, or telephone.
Citizen participation is welcome during topic discussion periods.

Telephone: 1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Webinar ID: 842 3821 4436
Passcode: 543599

City of Whitewater Community Development Authority Board of Directors – Thursday @ 5:30 p.m.
Agenda includes Discussion and possible action regarding appointment of CDA Executive Director, Update regarding Commercial Rehabilitation Grant/Loan Program, and Discussion regarding potential purchase of property located at 108 W. Main Street. Closed session, followed by open session: Consideration and possible action regarding Down Payment Assistance Loan Application No. 001 pursuant to the terms of the Affordable Housing Policy, Consideration and possible action regarding Offer to Purchase 216 E. Main St. (Tax Parcel No. /TRA 00003) and Offer to Purchase 108 W. Main St. (Tax Parcel No. /WUP 00257A) owned Jelaine Goel and Jane Henry, Discussion and possible action regarding TIF Development Agreement between the City of Whitewater and JM Meadowview LLC regarding Mound Meadows project, Discussion and possible action regarding TIF Development Agreement between the City of Whitewater and US Shelter Homes LLC regarding Mound Meadows project.
Citizens are welcome (and encouraged) to join our webinar via computer, smart phone, or telephone.
Citizen participation is welcome during topic discussion periods.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 892463
Or Telephone: 1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Webinar ID: 816 8877 6062
Passcode: 892463

Lyon Breaks Single Game Scoring Record, Whippets Defeat East Troy (Updated)

Updated 12/16 @ 4 p.m. to add the game score and the previous record holder Hugh Gnatzig’s reported graduation year.

Sophomore Casey Lyon broke the school record Friday night, December 15, for single-game scoring in a Boys’ Basketball Game at Whitewater High School. Casey made 18 of 19 free throws and seven 3-pointers.

Casey Lyon

Not only did Lyon score 47 points to surpass Hugh Gnatzig [per the Jefferson County Daily Union, a ’70 grad] for a single game, but the Whippets got their first win [84-76] over East Troy since the 2004-2005 season! History was made on a cold Friday night in Whitewater!

Article Submitted by Shane Cullian
Whitewater High School Assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach
Photo Courtesy of Bob Mischka