Affordable Housing Public Input Session Will Be Held on Thursday

Notice of Affordable Housing Public Input Session

City of Whitewater staff has drafted an Affordable Housing Fund Policy for the Community Development Authority to assist home buyers and developers by addressing the lack of housing available in the City of Whitewater, especially for low-income residents. With this policy, the city seeks to support home buyers in acquiring homes and incentivizing contractors/developers with construction of new housing units.

The goal of the Affordable Housing Fund is to aid homebuyers and provide gap financing for projects in the City of Whitewater that seek to increase the supply of safe, quality, affordable housing and facilitate long‐term affordability and sustainability. In addition, the funds seek to achieve a wider dispersion of affordable housing units throughout the city and discourage development of more affordable housing in areas with existing high concentrations.

Approximately $1.9 million will be allocated to fund single‐family housing projects that promote housing affordability and down payment assistance to purchasers of single‐family homes who qualify based on income in comparison to the median for the County in which the dwelling resides. This policy also proposes to allocate a small amount ($200,000) toward single‐family home rehabilitation in an existing program run by the CDA (view the affordable housing fund policy draft).

John Weidl, Whitewater city manager, shares, “Anyone interested in developing, financing, purchasing, or promoting affordable housing in the City of Whitewater, please attend our public input session and provide input and feedback on how to best allocate $1.9 million toward single-family homes that are affordable for current and future residents. We are grateful for your participation and please know that we value your input.”

The City of Whitewater will host an Affordable Housing Public Input Session “open house” on April 27, 2023, from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building Community Room, 312 W. Whitewater Street, Whitewater, WI. This two‐hour open house will allow any person interested in discussing, reviewing, or commenting on the policy to do so.

Editor’s note: In response to our inquiry, Weidl told the Banner that approximately the first 20 minutes “will be a presentation of how the fund was developed, an explanation of the draft policy, and a recap of some of the major feedback we’ve received to this point. That will be followed by an open house style event. We also intend to livestream and record the event.”

Please feel free to contact City Manager John Weidl at jweidl@whitewater‐ or 262‐473‐0104 with any questions, comments, or concerns.

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