When: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2018
Where: Fairhaven Senior Services; 435 W. Starin Road
Check-In: 12:30 pm @ Fairhaven Senior Services
Walk starts at 1:00 pm
Routes: 1 mile or 3 miles
Destination: Whitewater Downtown Armory; 146 W. North Street
Celebrate with Refreshments!
Participation in the Whitewater’s 28th CROP Hunger Walk is a wonderful service project for students of all ages!
Register for the Walk, Donate Online, or learn more about CWS/CROP, visit the website: www.CROPHungerWalk.org/whitewaterwi
Our goal is $5,000.
Questions: Patty – 262-949-8116 or harmon000333@yahoo.com.
In 2017, the 79 “Whitewater CROP Hunger Walk” walkers raised $3,540 with 25% or $885 for our local community food pantry. As we approach the year 2020, Whitewater’s 30th anniversary of participation, our goal is to raise $5,000 each year through 2020. By reaching the annual goals, we will reach a collective total of over $200,000 raised since 1989. The collective total to date is $186,243.94.
Whitewater Food Pantry benefits from all the money raised. As of 2017, the local food pantry portion of the collective total is $36,616. If the challenge is met, the collective total to our Whitewater food pantries will be $63,434!
OUR CHALLENGE: If each Walker collects $10 each from 10 people…and 75 people commit to Walk (each year for the next 3 years)…the potential total is $22,500 bringing the lifetime collective total of $200,000 and then some!!!