First United Methodist Church’s 175th Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, September 9

Photos and write-up provided by Tom Ganser

On Sep. 9, the First United Methodist Church in Whitewater will celebrate the 175th anniversary of its founding with food and fellowship, an organ recital, and a memorable worship service.

In 1836 the first white settler arrived in Whitewater followed by others in 1837. It was in 1837 that the first building, a one-room cabin was built. It was also in 1837 that Methodist Circuit Riders “reached out to minister to the spiritual needs” of the settlers in the area. The new residents of Whitewater met in homes, formally organizing a Methodist society and class in 1842. The Whitewater Methodist Episcopal Church was officially founded in 1843. Sunday school was organized in 1849 and by 1858, the church went “off mission status.”

The honoring of FUMC’s 175 years of presence in the community will begin with a brunch of sweet bread, breakfast casseroles, and fruit plates at 8:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall.

Following this, FUMC’s own Jim Athas will be performing an organ recital in the church, recently spruced up for the anniversary.

A special worship service begins at 10:00 a.m., starting with a specially planned processional.

The Reverend Forrest Wells who served as associate pastor at FUMC 1984-86 will be preaching during the service.

The Reverend Hee-Soo Jung, Bishop of the Wisconsin Conference of the United Methodist Church, will be in attendance.

After the service, a cake and coffee reception will be held in Fellowship Hall, providing an opportunity to share memories about FUMC over the years and its role in the life of its members and the Whitewater community.

Pastor Susan Bresser notes that anyone in the community is warmly invited to join in the celebration.


8:45 am – Brunch in Fellowship Hall

9:30 am – Organ Recital by Jim Athas, FUMC Organist for 43 years

10 am – Worship. Rev. Forrest Wells, District Superintendent (and former associate pastor) will be preaching. Bishop Hee-Soo Jung will be present to offer celebratory blessings and prayers.

Cake, punch, and coffee will be served following the worship service.


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